Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Chapter 3 &4

Questions for classroom discussion:

1) Gad states that the Jews were the only ones to listen to the commandment: Thou shalt not kill. He states that they "must be like everybody else?.and kill those who made us killers." How do Elisha and the other Jews reconcile their violence with their faith?

 Gad is a messenger, god is a member of the resistance, they believe they must become one with god, they are trying to make an idependent country, and the god of peace is also the god of war.

2) Elisha states that he had killed others before under different circumstances, under the cover of darkness. Why is the question of executing John Dawson a problem for him?

He is uncomfortable with executing because he doesn’t have the cover of darkness, now he has to do this alone and look at John Dawson in the face; before he has not had to look at anyone that he has killed.

3) What do you make of the repetition of "Don’t torture yourself." by Elisha’s peers?

It is kind of funny because he should be worried about executing someone and yet everyone is telling him it’s no big deal.

4) What is learned by reading all the stories of how they each escaped death? How might this change their views on death and killing?

They might believe death is something that you can escape which would make them more courageous when performing their acts of terrorism.

5) Ilana calls Elisha a "Poor boy". This reminds him of Catherine. What does his memory of Catherine have to do with Ilana?

He might love Ilana because he loved Catherine

6) What do the reader and Elisha learn from the visit from his dead family?

They learn that by Elisha becoming a murderer so do everyone that created him. Also, a man that is about to die has no appetite.

7) Why is he afraid that his family will judge him? How is he judging himself? Explain.

He cares what his family thinks which is why he is afraid of how they will judge him. He doesn’t want his family to think that he is a murderer. They are judging him because they’re his silence and silence is judging Elisha. Elisha is making excuses that he is not a murderer he is a soldier.

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